Pet Transport
Door to door service for grooming appointments.
Handy pick-up and/or delivery for boarding pets.
Convenient Hours
Monday to Saturday
8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m - 6:00 p.m.
By appointment
Please call for pricing

Our aim at Wagging Tail Resort™ is to provide “best in class” service to our guests and their parents. Our pet transporter option provides our pet parents with flexibility for boarding and grooming appointments and is available to assist with transporting pets to see their Veterinarian for scheduled appointments. Pet parents have offered several reasons why the pet transporter service conveniently fits their needs.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many pet parents stayed at home but still needed to access city and state-approved essential services including vet visits, pet boarding, day-care and grooming services. Wagging Tail Resort staff provided the utmost customer service experience while adhering to CDC recommended guidelines (socially distancing, wearing masks and gloves).
Pet gets nervous just watching you pack for vacation? Wagging Tail Resort can pick your pet up the day before your vacation to help alleviate stress levels (both you and your pet) during this harried time. Now you can really relax!
Going on vacation and your vehicle is all packed? Wagging Tail Resort’s pet transporter can pick-up or drop-off your pet at convenient morning or early evening hours Monday through Friday.
Clean car……dirty pet? Our transporter makes it easy to get your dirty pet to our award-winning grooming staff so your vehicle stays clean and odor-free.
Need to get your pet to your vet for a scheduled appointment? We are here to help. Just call Wagging Tail Resort and our friendly staff will work with you to accommodate transportation to and from your veterinarian.